Monday, April 14, 2008

Say No to say Yes to work life balance!

Saying no can get you free time. Free time is time to use for all the new things you wanted to try out... Just because you've always helped plan the company waste-of-time seminar doesn't mean that you have to keep doing it forever. So say no.
Find yourself. Saying no helps you prioritize the things that are important to you. You'll gain time that you can commit to the things that you really want to do, such as leaving work at a reasonable hour to make time for a mind-clearing run at the end of the day (instead of I Never get the time to get rid of my lard!!). Examine your current obligations and overall priorities before making any new commitments. Ask yourself if the new commitment is really important to you. If it's something that you feel strongly about, by all means do it. And if you can't, may just need a crash course in prioritizing...
Weigh the yes-to-stress ratio. Is the new activity that you're considering a short- or long-term commitment? Taking an afternoon to help raise funds for your company's favorite charity will take far less of your precious time (and get you more visibility) than becoming the CSR head. If an activity is going to end up being another source of stress in your life — especially for the long term — say No.
Let go of guilt. If colleagues or friends want to get together for an impromptu evening out on the town when you've already scheduled a quiet evening at home with your spouse or child, say No. It will only lead to additional stress in your life.
Sleep on it. Tempted by a friend's invitation to volunteer at your old alma mater or join a weekly golf league? Take a day to think over the request and respond after you've been able to assess your current commitments as well as the new opportunity.
Saying no can be good for you. Saying no is not a selfish act. In fact, it may be the most beneficial thing that you can do for your family and your other commitments. When you say no, you'll be able to spend quality time on the things you've already said yes to.
How to say no -- No. Nope. Nah. Naheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!! Simple, isn't it? Of course, there are always instances when it's just not that easy. Here are some things to keep in mind when you need to say no:
Don't lie. Don't fabricate reasons to get out of an obligation. The truth is always the best way to turn down a friend, family member or co-worker.
Do it gently. Many good causes land at your door, and it can be tough to turn them down. Complimenting the person or the group's effort while saying that you're unable to commit at this time helps to soften the blow and keep you in good graces.
Saying no won't be easy if you're used to saying yes all the time. But learning to say no is an important part of simplifying your way to a better, less stressful life.


Ruchi Puri said...

one sylable two letters sooooo simple but also soooooo tough to use.. na????? Its the one thing i dont know how to say well..... but the NO shall prevail...... lage raho.......

Rach said...

wasnt meant to confuse souls like u... simple things work well... like saying no when u mean it. u'll be happier in the long run. i tried it. it works! but say it gently, not like an aggressive north indian male!